About Us
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Can I Protect Myself From an Attack?
Yes, but you’ll need to buy our service. Our system is able to block any and all attacks within seconds, giving you a higher level of protection than what’s currently offered by most other companies on the market.

Talk to Us Today
We’re here to help. With our system, you can rest easy knowing your website is safe from harm. In fact, if it’s been a while since you took action to safeguard your website, now is a great time to sign up for protection. We’ll quickly block any current or future attacks on your website! Just fill out our quick and easy form today and we’ll get you started immediately—and all at no cost! No credit card required.

Can I be affected by a DDoS attack?
In a word, yes. If your company relies on an internet connection, you’re at risk of suffering a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack.